Pillows, Teeny, Tiny Art Canvases, & Quiltlets


Everyone needs a small piece for a small space in their house, or a few new pillows to update their sofa. The teeny, tiny art quilts look great in groups of two or three.

I Love a Wonky QuiltCelebrationComing AboutOcean CurrentsSubmersionFluttering LeavesSea CirclesGesturesBubblesCrazy QuiltFragile Layers 2Leaf EchoesCaladiumsSuper MoonSuper Moon -detailPeacePeace-detailGreen & Black Art CanvasFire Art CanvasGreen, Blue, Orange Art CanvasLightening PillowYellow PaisleyBlue Flower PillowDahlia PillowPurple Haze PillowFlames PillowRed Batik PillowGreen Malachite PillowOrchids art canvasYellow square art canvasesRed Square Art Canvases